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Tips and Tricks to Get the Most Out of Your PlayHunt Membership

We appreciate you joining PlayHunt as we embark on an exciting journey together. Our goal is to simplify the process of finding new places for your family to explore without the hassle of scouring the internet for ideas and locations. Here are tips and tricks to get the most from your membership.

PlayHunt's Members Home is your go-to spot for checking out our latest featured locations, which we update regularly. You'll also find a link to our blog and a selection of PlayHunt member pictures at the bottom, which they've submitted via social media. We love seeing where our members have explored and the happy faces of kids, so to be featured, just tag #playhunt.

Our website's main feature is the interactive map, which helps you find the perfect activity. At the top of the page, you'll see two buttons: MAP and FILTERS. If you choose FILTERS, you can select the activity type, price range, category type, and age range - select the youngest and oldest child's age for multiple age ranges. This way, you can filter out activities that aren't suitable for your family. If you prefer to see everything around you, go straight to the map to explore!

On the map, you'll find a search bar at the top. This allows you to search for activities in a specific town or city. This is to make it easy to find fun places for the family to enjoy, whether you're visiting family, going on a road trip, or enjoying a holiday in the UK. To help you navigate the map, there is a re-centring button. If you've been exploring and got carried away, this button will help you quickly find your location again.

When you tap on an icon, a pop-up will appear at the bottom of your screen. It will provide you with information about the site (age suitability, price range, wheelchair accessibility*, SEND catered*, dog friendly*), a link to the website, a link to our profile page to see more on the venue, and a link for directions. *this feature is still in development and we are continually adding information. You will find the icon is greyed out if we do not have sufficient information. We are committed to being an inclusive community and want to provide useful information to all.

For Android and PC users, there is a button in the top right-hand corner that allows you to view the map in full screen. Unfortunately, this button is not currently available on iPhones.

Be on the lookout for icons marked with stars on the map. These icons represent locations with exclusive offers and discounts. Once you click on the icon, you will find detailed information on the offer on the venue's profile and how to claim it.

We are thrilled to announce that we have teamed up with several companies to offer discounts and deals to our PlayHunt members. Visit our Brand Partner page to view the complete list of available offers, learn how to claim them, and access their respective websites. Our partner offers will be periodically updated throughout the year to provide more value to your membership benefits. On Mobile, tap on the brand picture to access the profile page and view full information.

Our website's blog page is always being updated with fresh and relevant content. so head on over to our Blog Page to find PlayHunt news, creative ideas, and reviews. We are committed to providing useful and interesting reads that you won't want to miss!

Your profile offers options to update various details, such as personal information, display name and subscription. Coming soon we will have a page where members can upload photos of locations, allowing others to preview the venue before visiting. Plus, it's great to see how much fun everyone's having!

Need more help navigating the website? Don't hesitate to reach out to us on with any questions you may have.

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